Praise for the Sourdough Podcast from around the Instagram Sourdough Community

Thank you to everyone who has been sending me encouraging messages lately about the podcast. It make me so happy to know that people are resonating with and enjoying what I've been working hard to put out there. Here are some inspiring words from our Instagram Sourdough Community about the podcast.

Finally a podcast by sourdough enthusiasts, for sourdough enthusiasts! Loved it - thank you so much. Makes my work commute in the UK bearable!
— Dan @traveldan87

Jeff McCarthy @breadservice

Hello! I just wanted to reach out to you and thank you for the podcast. I just listened to what you’ve done so far on a ten hour car ride. It seems something that the bread community needed. I was particularly inspired by your interviews with Don Guerra and Bonnie Ohara. The ideas they have planted about growing my small business and continuing to integrate it into my family’s lives I’m sure will prove fruitful … Anyway, keep it up! … All the best, see you on Insta!

Nicole @nmuvu Butcher|baker

Good afternoon! Just wanted to pop in to say thank you for your podcast! I just recently started listening to it (found it via Jim Challenger being on it - we are bread buddies) and am thoroughly enjoying hearing the back stories on so many bakers from our Instagram sourdough community. Just wanted to let you know it is very appreciated!

[The Sourdough Podcast] fills the void connecting the community, talking with people [...] about the bread we’re making. Thank you for doing this Mike. It’s a really good thing. 
— Daniel Larsson @danlarn